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03 February 2010

Hurricane Season

As the next hurricane season approaches (May 15 for the Eastern Pacific and June 1st. for the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico), and having the experience of living 10 Hurricanes and 6 Tropical Storms within Hotels and Restaurants (approach alerts and direct hits), and after produced and executed several before, during and after manuals, I would like to share with you some of many bullet points on what to do and important considerations.

First the facts and considerations:

-Human losses are irreplaceable; safety comes as a priority 1.

-Hurricanes indeed are very dangerous, because of their winds, but most of all, the water they bring.

-Keeping your thoughts all together in the middle of a meteorological phenomenon is difficult, but by showing calm and organization, you will transmit this feeling to whoever puts their life in your hands.

-Mother Nature is unpredictable; weather can change without previous notice.

Some recommendations to handle the situation properly and professionally:

1.-Keep you Guests, future Guests and Employees informed at all times (Concierge and Executive Committee available 24 hours a day).

2.-Buy a Consequential Losses Insurance (this insurance guarantees the revenue and fixed expenses in books no matter what), also be sure to safe guard legal and insurance documentation.

3.-Keep an open line to communicate with airports, port captain and highway in case of evacuation.

4.-Make a very precise overall inventory (for insurance purposes).

5.-If your property is not equipped or prepared to deal with this situation or to become a shelter, ask the Authorities for advice.

6.-Monitor at all times internet, TV and radio for updates (I recommend that ONLY one person does this, as many opinions and sources only confuse).

7.-Act concise, by acting randomly, you will only get confusion and uncertainty.

8.-Build a custom made operations manual and distribute it through your Staff, as many people on the same track makes it easier.

9.-Keep a very detailed database of Guests and Employees, as this will allow you to locate them and family members.

10.-Make a graphic proof (pictures, video) of all areas of your property before and after, as this makes insurance paperwork a lot easier and prompter.

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