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26 December 2009

Employees Heaven in Latin America, Panama is THE CHOICE

After experiencing Panama for only 20 days, I’ve confirmed that this small paradise is not just for visiting, it’s about getting a job at all costs, as all man dreams is working less, earning more and have more time to spend with the family, well, Panama is the “festive” place for you to be if you think that the obligation of work is a biblical damnation. So here’s the deal especially planned and designed for you who wishes to be in; 30 days paid vacation for every 11 months of “hard work”, 11 days paid holiday, 8 hours shifts during day, no more than 3 extra hours per day with a maximum of 9 hours per week, any sales commissions become a part of your salary, 13 sick days, and don’t forget about the 16% raise on the minimum wage, so yes, Panama is THE place.

But I’m just a regular guy, who succeeded and keeps on doing so through hard work and for sure very long hours, sleepless nights, time away from home, but probably I’m just a fool who wanted to build a successful career and a lifestyle for my family, and I find ridiculous the way the employee, through the Panamanian Labor Board have blackmailed the entire system and is now prostituted by the highest bidder. I want to be clear that I am apolitical, pro success and profitability engaged, but is known by every single Panamanian business owner or manager that this kind of “deal” slows the Country down, so you have three general scenarios, the business owner point of view, the managerial point of view and THE PANAMANIAN WAY!!!, hell, I choose the third one no questions asked…

I’m a Mexican native, and for some reference, the paid vacation period is 6 days for the first year, and increases in 2 days every year, and when you become institutionalized for 20 to 24 years, you’ll get 20 days paid vacations period, and for every year, you get 8 holidays, if you are a capitalist, you will most certain work your ass off to grow in the “food chain”, but in Panama is a different story, the boss is always between the sword and the rock, trying to make a successful business for a brighter future, but having to deal with hundreds of strategies that lead nowhere when talking about Labor in this beautiful Country.

When I first met my current Client through the internet, I began to browse page after page of exciting information about Panama, culture, leisure, and overall the great background, people fully bilingual all over the place (which is not true), warm and helpful, and when I just got here, it was as a lightning stroke, and I realized that has so many and so enormous areas of opportunity, and for sure the employees issue is one of them.

Do me a great favor, invite me to work the Panamanian way, what the heck!!!

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